We would like to thank you all for participating at our Users’ Meeting last February 16th.
It has been a rich and insightful experience thanks to the speakers and the researchers who presented their work with talks and/or posters.
Special thanks go to our guests Prof. Cristina Silvano (IEEE Fellow, DEIB) and Vittorio Peduto (business executive in electronics) for their interventions about the European Chips Act and the relationship between companies and universities as gateway for technological innovation, respectively.

During the event we also announced the three projects winners of the Polifab Starting Grant:
- Chip4lung: new platforms for the evaluation of micro- and nanomaterials toxicity for improving healthy work environments- Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “G. Natta”
- DyNaFab: Dynamical characterization of prototypical Nano Fabricated devices – Department of Physics; CNR-IFN
- OPT-OPTIC: OPTimization of OPTICal coupling for single-photon avalanche diodes – Department of Electronics, Informatics and Bioengineering

Our Annual Report concerning the activities of 2023 can be viewed here.