NaBiS research published on Nature Nanotechnology

08 March 2016

An important result by Edoardo Albisetti, Daniela Petti and Riccardo bertacco, from the NaBiS group at Polifab, has been recently published on the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Nature Nanotechnology. The research has been developed by the NaBis group in collaboration with researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta), CUNY-ASRC (New York), CIC nanoGUNE (Donostia-San Sebastian), CNR-IOM (Perugia) ant the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Urbana).

They demonstrated a novel technique that allows to define, in continuous multilayers, nanoscale structures which are “purely” magnetic, meaning that they are not produced by altering the chemistry, structure or shape of the material. This remarkable feature allows to write, erase and rewrite complex micromagnetic configurations straightforwardly and in a single step allowing to build “from scratch” customizable electronic materials whose properties and (logic/computing/sensing) functionality can be programmed and reprogrammed on-demand, or even “transform” in response to the surrounding environment.

The full article, publisched on Nature Nanotechnology can be found here.