Maskless Aligner – Heidelberg MLA100

Designed with focus on high performance, the MLA100 is the perfect lithography solution for many R&D applications. The optical system is designed to write structures down to 1 μm at a speed of 50 mm²/min directly into photoresist, without the need for a photomask. The elimination of photomasks from the lithographic process will increase the flexibility and significantly shorten the prototyping or manufacturing cycle. The MLA100 is controlled by an exposure wizard (GUI), which guides the operator through the complete procedure: Load the substrate, select the design and start the exposure. Applications for the MLA100 include Life Science, MEMS, Micro-Optics, Semiconductor, Sensors, Actuators, MOEMS, Material Research, Nano-Tubes, Graphene, and any other application that requires microstructures. The system can handle up to 8 inches x 8 inches substrates and can be also used for the production of photomasks, starting from Cr-coated mask blanks, which can then be operated by standard mask aligners. Lithography is possible on standard photoresist, as well as SU8 (365 nm wavelength is used for the exposure).
- Write speed of 50 mm²/min
- Substrates up to 8″ x 8″
- Exposure area of 150 x 150 mm²
- Structures down to 1 µm
- High power LED light source (365 nm)
- Multiple data input formats
- Camera system for alignment
- Realtime autofocuss
- User-optimized exposure wizard